Join us at the 12th Annual Trailblazer Honors & Awards on May 1, 2025.

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NC100BW, Inc. Central Ohio Chapter President Linda Kanney Receives the Inaugural YWCA Sue Doody Alumni Award

The YWCA recently announced the creation of the Sue Doody Alumni Award to recognize the contributions of past YWCA volunteers, staff, Women of Achievement Academy members and Bright Future graduates. Linda was selected because of her 24-year of service at YWCA Columbus, five years with YWCA USA and her continued leadership with the Council of Ohio YWCAs where she serves as Council Vice President. She began her YWCA tenure with YWCA Parkersburg, WV in 1977 as the second Black woman to serve on the Board of Trustees and later joined the staff as the Director of Programs. When her family relocated to Columbus in 1983, Linda joined the staff of YWCA Columbus as the Director of Women's Programs and later became the Vice President of Human Resources. She retired in 2013 as the Mission Compliance Officer for YWCA USA Great Lakes Alliance Region. 

Sue Doody, founder and owner of Lindy's in German Village, passed away at the age of 83 earlier this year. Sue built a legacy of creating jobs and careers for countless people, taught public school, and ran a catering business . She was a true philanthropist and active member of the central Ohio community. Sue received the YWCA Women of Achievement Award and spent countless hours volunteering and raising money for YWCA Columbus.

National Alliances

The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. announced a strategic multi-year partnership with the Black Women’s Health Imperative during the NCBW Day of Action and Advocacy in Washington, D.C. The partnership will raise awareness of health disparities and solutions while providing access to healthcare and wellness information to promote healthier lifestyles in the Black community. Additionally, the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. has also entered into a partnership with the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. The partnership with the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. will allow us to make a greater impact on the communities that we serve.

NC100BW, Inc. Legislative Day

On April 15-16, members of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women Central Ohio Chapter participated in the 2019 Annual Legislative Day on Capital Hill.  Central Ohio members were welcomed by the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., Metropolitan Washington, DC Chapter.

Coalition members heard presentations from lawmakers, and the theme for this year was "Making a Difference for Black Women and Girls."

There was also a panel discussion on the School-to-Prison Pipeline, examining the impact it is having on our young men and women, and proposing solutions to end this situation and the negative impact on our communities.

2019 Installation of Officers


10th Legacy Trailblazer Honors and Scholarship Awards Gala

Celebrating our 10th anniversary and being a model chapter has been challenging, but our excitement cannot be contained! Please plan to attend this event.

The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., Central Ohio Chapter cordially invites you to join us on Thursday, May 25, 2023, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. for our in-person event to honor our 2023 Trailblazers in Education, Health, Public Policy, and Art.

​This fast paced event promises to be informative, entertaining, and a lot fun! Please plan to join us for our 10th Annual Trailblazer Honors and Scholarship Awards Gala

Operation S.I.L.E.N.T

Operation S.I.L.E.N.T.—Supporting Intelligent Ladies Experiencing a Need to Travel For the 2023-8th graders who attend Berwick Alternative Middle School. Your small monetary donation can make a difference. Please scan the PayPal barcode or use the link to make your donation.

Thank you in advance for your contributions. Now available through March 8th to donate.

Table Talk:​ Women in STEM!

Presented May 26, 2021, the conversation featured Black women in a variety of STEM related careers sharing their experiences and advice for women and girls who may be considering a career in a STEM related field.

Let's Connect and Empower Together

Engage with us! Whether you have questions, or ideas, or want to get involved in our mission, we're here to listen and collaborate. Reach out to NC100BWCOC and be a part of positive change in Central Ohio. Your voice matters, and together, we can make a real impact.

This website is the sole property and responsibility of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. Central Ohio Chapter.

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